Do you chart your fertility? That is to say, do you take your basal body temperature each morning and plot it on a graph to identify that telltale temperature spike that indicates your ovulation date? Or better yet, do you use the OvaCue Wireless Fertility Monitor - an electronic ovulation prediction device that pinpoints your most fertile time of month?
If you don't do these things, you should! Basal body temperature charting is a wonderful way to learn more about your body's reproductive rhythm. And using the OvaCue is simply the best way to ensure you identify your entire peak fertile period - that time of month when you're most likely to conceive.
Good news! We've developed a site for women who'd like to have ALL of their fertility indicators charted and graphed in one convenient location - At OvaGraph, you can enter your daily basal temperatures, OvaCue readings, cervical mucus status, intercourse days, ovulation test results, and much (much!) more. Want to share all of your fertility status with your ObGyn? No problem! You have your own unique link that displays your entire reproductive profile for that cycle, and previous ones as well. Not interested in sharing your fertile status with the world? No worries! Just configure your privacy settings to conform to your own comfort level. Click here to see the chart of Fairhaven Health's own fertility specialist, Sarah.
Perhaps equally beneficial to trying-to-conceive women, OvaGraph also features a wonderful community of trying-to-conceive women who interact daily in the forum. Get your questions answered by other women in the same position (or by our product experts who log in daily to assist with interpretation) - or just get a bit of support from ladies who really know what you're going through.
We invite you to come over to OvaGraph and establish your free account today!