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BFP ovulation predictor test kit on kitchen counter BFP ovulation predictor test kit on kitchen counter

Fairhaven Health Introduces BFP Brand Ovulation and Pregnancy Test Strips

BFP Pregnancy and Ovulation Test StripsYou can never have too many ovulation and pregnancy tests when you're trying to conceive - but you could quickly deplete your bank account if you're paying drugstore prices.

BFP Ovulation and Pregnancy Test Strips may provide the answer to this age-old dilemma. BFP tests provide you with the same type of accurate, high-quality tests used at your doctor's office, but at a fraction of the price. In fact, you can buy BFP tests for as little as $0.56 each!

What is a "test strip" you ask? Unlike the midstream format tests sold at your local supermarket, test strips are designed to be dipped into collected urine. Simply collect your urine (a Dixie cup works great for this) and immerse the test strip up to the line marked on the tests. Your results will appear within minutes.

Manufactured in the United States, every order of BFP Test Strips ships with complete test instructions. Here's to hoping you get your BFP (big fat positive) with BFP brand tests!