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Morning? Afternoon? Evening? When is the Best Time to Have Sex When Trying to Conceive?

It turns out that we not only need to pay attention to our biological clock while TTC, but also our internal clock as well!

According to chronobiologists, each part of our day is best suited for specific activities. This is because we each have a daily rhythm that is regulated by our hypothalamus. Among the body functions that the hypothalamus is responsible for are: mood, hunger, thirst, heart rate, body temperature, sleep, hormone production and sex drive. Interestingly, it is light and temperature that helps the hypothalamus establish our internal daily rhythm. As we navigate through our day, our body naturally responds with energy bursts and bouts of fatigue.

So in addition to zeroing in on your time of ovulation each month, you will want to also (when possible) be intentional in the timing of your baby dancing sessions.

There was a study done at the University of Modena in Italy that found that men had an increase in sperm quantity and mobility late each afternoon. And when you pair this with the fact that most women ovulate around midnight, it gives you a good window of opportunity during the afternoon and early evening!

There are also other times during the day that are also fertility friendly as well:

  • 6-9 am- This is when a man’s testosterone is at boasting levels.
  • 10pm-1am- This is when the libido is at full strength.

Depending on the health of your spouse’s sperm and your daily schedule, you can plan a romantic interlude that will give you that extra baby boost on your way to your BFP (Big Fat Positive)!!