Ovulation Prediction and Timing Intercourse
The goal of fertility charting is to accurately predict ovulation - therefore allowing you to time intercourse with precision and maximize the chances of successful conception.
Because the 'fertility window' is a short one (the egg can survive for 24 hours and the sperm can live for up to three days), timing intercourse prior to and during your ovulatory cycle will enhance the likelihood of conceiving a baby.
First of all, most experts recommend that you have intercourse regularly, 2-3 times a week, every week. In addition to that, increased frequency of intercourse (daily love making) should take place during the woman's most fertile time.
As a rule, couples should make love daily during this fertile period - two days prior to ovulation and during the remaining days of the ovulatory cycle. Because the sperm can survive several days in the womb, intercourse prior to ovulation means that sperm will be present and waiting when the egg is released from the ovarian follicle and makes its way down the fallopian tube. Continue daily intercourse during the entire ovulatory cycle up to and during ovulation (sperm count allowing).
Ovulation Tests and Timing Intercourse
Ovulation tests detect a woman's LH surge, allowing test users to accurately anticipate ovulation. A positive result on an ovulation test means that the woman will most likely become fertile over the next three days - with peak fertility at 36 hours following the LH surge. Following a positive result, love making should take place (at least) daily over the following three days to increase the chances of pregnancy.